Tuesday, March 5, 2019

AAP Magazine #6: B&W

Our sixth printed issue of AAP Magazine will feature the best projects showcasing the theme "Black and White".
Black and white photography evokes poetry, nostalgia. The timelessness of black and white images focuses on its subjects, highlights contrasts, lines and enhances the power of light.

Send me your images - series preferably- celebrating the beauty and the power of black and white photography. The subject is completely up to you. Any capture method or process, whether digital or analog, including monochromatic toning, is welcome. The contest is open to any B&W photography interpretation, from photojournalism, street photography, artistic photography, portrait, nude, landscapes, nature, wildlife, urban, architecture, fashion, fine art or documentary photography.

Winners will receive $1,000 in cash awards, their winning image(s) or full portfolio published in AAP Magazine#6, extensive press coverage and global recognition.

All winners will have their work published in the sixth printed issue of AAP Magazine, a free copy of the magazine and their portfolio showcased in the Winners Gallery of www.all-about-photo.com.

I can't wait to see your work! Enter here today!